

We want to show you ads that you find interesting and useful. Here's an overview of how Twitter Ads work, why you see certain ads, your privacy settings, and other options.


您可能会在Twitter上看到不同种类的广告,包括促进广告,,,,追随者广告, 和趋势接管。We may show these ads to you when you are logged in or logged out of Twitter. They are clearly marked with a “Promoted” icon. You can interact with most promoted content in much the same way as organic content. If you follow, like, or Retweet content on Twitter, including promoted content, your followers may see your name associated with that content.


Your activity on Twitter, the information you provide to Twitter, and our relationships with ad partners all help make promoted content more relevant for you.


Twitter may also personalize ads based on information that Twitter and our affiliates collect and that our ad partners share with us, such as a hashed email address, a mobile device identifier, or browser-related information (a browser cookie ID).




  • If you don't want Twitter to show you interest-based ads on and off of Twitter, there are several ways to turn off this feature:

    • 使用您的Twitter设置,访问“个性化和数据设置”,然后调整“个性化广告”设置。

    • 如果您在网络上,可以访问数字广告联盟的消费者选择工具optout.aboutads.info选择退出您当前浏览器中的Twitter的基于兴趣的广告。

    • 仅在iOS 13及以后,如果您不希望Twitter在当前的移动设备上的iOS中向您显示基于兴趣的广告,请在iOS设置中启用“限制广告跟踪”设置(精确方向可能有所不同不同的iOS版本)。

    • On Android, if you don't want Twitter to show you interest-based ads in Twitter for Android on your current mobile device, enable “Opt out of Ads Personalization” in your Android phone’s settings (precise directions and name of the setting may be different on different Android versions and OEM Android variants).


  • Twitter还与包括Google在内的第三方广告合作伙伴合作,以推销Twitter自己的服务,并代表Twitter广告客户提供广告,包括通过提供基于利息的广告。此处描述的隐私选项适用于Twitter或Twitter上提供的基于兴趣的广告;它们不适用于Twitter上其他公司提供的广告,包括代表Twitter。您可以了解更多有关从其他公司中收到基于利息的广告的选择的更多信息。optout.aboutads.infoandwww.networkadvertising.org/choices。如果您在网络上,您还可以通过安装Google的方式选择退出Google Analytics(分析)选择退出浏览器附加组件, 和opt-out of interest-based Google ads usingGoogle广告设置

  • 仅在iOS版本14及以后,如果您不希望Twitter访问您的iOS标识符进行广告,请禁用iOS设置中的“允许应用程序请求跟踪”设置(在不同的iOS版本上,精确方向可能有所不同)。

  • 此外,无论您是登录还是登录,您始终都可以选择“解雇”促进广告和/或不感兴趣的帐户。此反馈可以帮助我们向您展示更好的促进内容。


合格的帐户can launch campaigns atads.twitter.com。有关更多信息,请访问入门Twitter广告系列
